These are great! When I was a student in Madison, WI, student rentals ended August 14 and started August 15, so that period was a crazy game of musical apartments near campus. Sofas, tables, stereo systems, you name it - it was left out on the street. If you weren't moving, it was a great time to upgrade your furniture - and then put your old stuff out for someone else to claim. If you were moving, it was important to ensure that someone guarded any stuff left outside for any amount of time in case an over-eager stooper (new word for me) spotted it. I wish I had a collection of things we saw/got/gave up.

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I love this so much. I furnished much of our Melbourne flat with "hard rubbish": tables, chairs (a set of 4 that I managed to get home on my bike from Elsternwick), a perfect charcoal barbecue. Not as classy as your NYC stuff, but great!

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