Sep 6Liked by Jason Chatfield

Morris will miss you. A month is a long time for a Frenchie.

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It’s a lifetime. I don’t know who will be more traumatised by the distance— him or me 😭

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Sep 8Liked by Jason Chatfield

If each of you had a little iPad, maybe you could do FaceTime.

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Sep 9Liked by Jason Chatfield

I think you would be entertained by a visit to monkey mountain in Arashiyama.

And the ukai fire boat on Katsura river (commorant used to catch fish)

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Sep 9Liked by Jason Chatfield

I have lived in Kyoto for 20 years. If you want dining recommendations or special advice for Arashiyama, please ask. —Jane from Janesville

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Sep 7Liked by Jason Chatfield

Well, I recommend you do what I did. First, to prove to myself I'd taught myself Japanese to a sufficient degree, I got up in the early AM and went to the local train depot, bought a ticket to a nifty destination I wanted to see that was well out of the city, successfully got there, looked around and then successfully navigated back to my hotel, all without using English. That was the big win for me. Then in the evening I directed a taxi driver to bring me to an okonomiyaki joint and managed to one genuine okonomiyaki and a beeru for dinner. Win number 2. And if you want the full Crowden experience, go to the food market in Kyoto, marvel at all the stuff, buy yourself something to nosh on and then realize that NOBODY around you is eating in public. Find yourself a doorway somewhere and stuff whatever you bought into your mouth while feeling the shame.

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Jason - when are you coming? As I live in Tokyo, we should get together. I'm a week-and-a-bit away from my day job starting (TEFL lecturer at four unis) but if it's next week, I can meet up with you. DM me (washizoraATgmailDOTcom) - or on my 'stack.

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Lee that sounds great!

I’ll drop you an email. Thank you

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Jason - have just checked out part of your YT MAD exhibit talk. (Time isn't letting me view the whole thing.) Absolutely fascinating anecdotes about the Usual Gang and the legacy they've lived. Please email me when you get the arf-a-mo' so we can meet up and yak on comics, art, absurdity, your more-than-brushes with greatness, and my stumbling steps-and-lurches into this comic scene. Thank you!

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Sep 6Liked by Jason Chatfield

I live in Tokyo, Takao. It’s on the Chuo line (Central line). One more stop on the Keio Line (a line originally connecting a lot of shops of the same name, that has since grown) and you reach Takao San Guchi where there is a small (in comparison to Fuji San) mountain. It has both a funicular and chair lift to take you to the beer garden. ¥4,000 all you can eat and drink for 2 hours. I love it (don’t go at the weekend—crowded. Actually, I used to teach English to Japanese tour guides so I’ve picked up a bit of local knowledge. (Englishman with Japanese wife).

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Nigel, you’re living a dream life I once had. I can’t wait to get there.

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Japan is a cartoonist’s heaven. Have fun!

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Sep 6Liked by Jason Chatfield

I lived in Japan for 5 years, so I have MANY thoughts. Sadly, that was 30 years ago, so my thoughts are certainly out of date. And I lived in Shizuoka Prefecture (at the foot of Mt. Fuji), so most of my tips would be impractical. Besides, it sounds like you've got good contacts there arranged already. But hey ... let me know if you think I CAN provide any helpful insights.

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Giant Gundam!

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I’d agree. And if you’re going to be in or near Okayama, I can’t recommend Naoshima Island enough. The Chi Chu Museum is amazing! One of my favorite places in the world.

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Sep 6Liked by Jason Chatfield

It may be on your itinerary already, but the International Manga Museum in Kyoto is absolutely wonderful.

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